Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Phew, I'm finally done exams. Some went well and some not as well as I had hoped but I tried my best and will now hope for the best. More importantly, I am now going to enjoy my break! Putting textbooks aside, I'm going to read some fun books and watch some movies.

What are your plans? Whatever it is, I hope you have a fun, relaxing and safe holidays because I know we all deserve it!

Don't forget, winter term starts up on Monday, January 5th, 2009! See you then!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

les examens finaux

Hey guys! Just practising my French in my blog title ... that means "final exams" (in case you couldn't figure it out) ... I have my first exam in French next week-- so I'm just trying to get ready for it! I was browing online and found a great link:

The website is from U of T's Counselling and Learning Services website; I just thought there may be something there to help you for your upcoming exams. If you scroll down on the website there's actually a whole section on writing exams ... check it out!

Well I hope your studying is going well ... feel free to ask me a question on facebook if you need any other advice. Time to etudier pour le francais!

Au revoir,

Monday, November 17, 2008

Assignment Calculator

Last research assignment I completed was a disaster. I procrastinated and didn't start the assignment until the week the assignment was due.

I have an assignment due at the end of the semester. To get a head start, I used the Assignment Calculator to break it down into manageable pieces. The great thing about this tool is that, I plugged in the assignment due date and it created a step-by-step process to complete the assignment. When you use the calculator, you’ll get lots of suggestions and resources that will help too.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

To drop or not to drop a course???

I'm not doing so well on my first year calculus course, and the last date to drop the course from academic record is this Sunday (November 16). I went to the "Should I drop this course or not?" seminar today and here are some questions that helped me to make a decision.
  • Is this course a pre or co-requisite for a course I'm registered for the winter term?
  • If I keep the course, will it affect my academic standing?
  • What kinds of resources can I use to improve my mark?
  • I'm falling behind in the course, will keeping this course prevent me from spending enough time on my other courses?
  • If I drop this course how will it affect my GPA (use the GPA calculator)?
  • Will this course affect my chance of applying to Professional or Graduate school?
If you are having difficulty deciding, drop by the AACC (Room AC213) and talk to the staff. I'm sure they can help.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Introducing the Premack's Principle

So many of you have given me the feedback that you would like for me to blog more about study tips so here I am to tell you about the Premack's Principle.

Many of you who are in psychology may have heard of this but for those of you who have not, the Premack's Principle basically suggests that we should tackle a list of tasks in the order of most challenging to least challenging. This way, the "easier" task becomes a reward for the more challenging tasks we have to do. I know I know, the "easier" task is not really a reward like ice cream but it's still a good way to motivate ourselves.

Like grandma have always said, "you have to eat your veggies before you can have your dessert!"

So far, this little trick has been doing a good job in motivating me to tackle my calculus homework. I hope it does the same magic for you.

Also, do you have any good study tips to share? Be sure to leave me a comment. Thanks in advance!

Good luck studying,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Planning for your future

Are you confused about your future career plans and would love to connect with employers to learn about the qualifications required for your dream job? Then, you should attend the first ever Career Information Fair at the Meeting place on October 30th from 11-2 pm. Don't forget to check out these resources to prepare yourself before the fair

Stay tuned for a list of employers who will be attending the fair (available through the AACC website).

I look forward to seeing you and don't forget to dress to impress.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Grad school, professional school, or post-grad diploma?

With lots of friends currently putting together their application packages for medical schools and other things, I am forced to also think about my future after UTSC. Although, I still hope to get some full-time work experience after I graduate, I guess it's also a good idea to consider further education.

It was a time-consuming task to research universities when I was applying from high school, I guess I have to do the same again. However, it's always good to know there are resources and people available to help me.

Mark you calendars, Professional & Graduate Fair is happening on October 2, 7, and 8th at the Meeting Place. With all these schools coming to UTSC, you can get all your admission questions answered by school and program representatives. It's always good to drop by and pick up pamphlets and brochures to see the wide range of programs available. And lots of schools give great freebies including pens and post-its, things a student can always use.

Here are some pictures from fun times last year:

See you at the P&G Fair!

Take care,

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time flies...

When you're having fun or not. So the first two weeks of September have flew right by. Working on my work-study applications and attending Career Info Days downtown have kept me a very busy person. Not to mention all the course readings and assignments that are starting to pile up.

Learning from my mistakes last year, I know I definitely need to plan my time better and avoid procrastination. Setting realistic goals and making "to do" lists have been helpful in the past. But I have to be careful this year so my lists don't get too long. In addition, AA&CC also offers a bunch of helpful seminars including Extreme Time Management and Reading & Notetaking that I really recommend to everybody. And if you're like me and not so great with multiple-choice questions, you definitely want to check out Mastering Multiple Choice Tests & Exams. Sign-ups are available on the Intranet, nice and easy. Oh yeah, and going to these workshops and seminars can earn you stamps towards a Study Skills Success Certificate which looks great on my wall right now.

Remember "study smarter, not harder!"

Good luck everyone!


Sunday, September 7, 2008

The NEW Podcast Series @ the AA & CC.

Did you know that the Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA &CC) has a NEW Podcast Series?  These short video clips give more information to UTSC students about:
  • GPA calculation
  • program selection & review
  • degree requirements
  • occupational research
  • career exploration
Here's one of the podcasts that introduces the Online Self Assessment tool:

Be sure to check out the AA & CC website to find more of the Podcast Series.  It's pretty cool & very helpful for your academic & career planning.


First Day of School!

Welcome back to school & happy first day of school to all the UTSC students!!! I know that the first day of classes brings about new beginnings & new school resolutions each September. The first week of classes is filled with new professors, buying textbooks, planning your schedule, and organizing your life according to your course outlines/syllabuses.

Many of the NEW students who are starting first year will have various questions about any of the above & will be looking for some help at The Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA & CC).  Be sure to stop by to ask questions about:

  • course conflicts
  • part time job & work experience
  • wait lists questions
  • work study applications
  • academic schedules & issues
  • and MUCH more!

The best way to answer those quick questions is to stop by AC 213 IN PERSON (beside the Library in the ARC). The office does get busy, but if you are patient then you can probably be helped that very day.

Be sure to check out what the AA & CC does to support students and the hours the office is open. Good luck with your first week of classes!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Job Hunting, Anyone??

Are you on the hunt for a job? The beginning of the school year also means the start of a new job for many students.

If you're like me, you're interested in making some cash while at school.  I currently work at the AA & CC with the Work Study program.  Other jobs in this department & others are posted online NOW! 

I know it can be tough landing that new gig, so let me help with the job search. Here are a few resources I recommend:
  • Job Postings: U of T students have exclusive access to job opportunities through their Career Centre Online account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for FREE today if you are a registered student.
  • Work Study Program: a financial need program, for students collecting OSAP, that allows you to work part-time on campus during the Fall & Winter session. These jobs are on campus with a staff or faculty member and the postings can be found HERE. For more information, please check out the AA & CC Work Study page and information on Financial Aid & Awards website.
Good luck everyone!

All About The Registrar's Office.

Be sure to check out the Registrar's Office website:

It's a great resource for students to find information about:

  • course registration
  • fees & payments
  • student account information
  • OSAP & Financial Aid information
  • academic & financial dates/deadlines
  • university regulations
  • petition process
  • graduation
  • and MORE!

Here's the 411 for the Registrar's Office...

Location: AA 142

Hours: (September 4th-June 30th inclusive)
Monday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday Evening 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Telephone: 416.287.7001

Fax: 416.287.7528

You might have to wait a bit to speak with someone on the phone OR in person, since the beginning of the semester is pretty busy. Please be patient & polite with the staff there who are trying to help you.

Be sure to browse through the Registrar's Office website to find answers to your questions. Or you could ASK UTSC:

Friday, August 29, 2008

Got Books?

It's almost September, which means that it's time to gear up for school and BUY YOUR TEXTBOOKS.

The best place to look for the books & course materials you need for class will be listed at the UTSC Bookstore.  

I would recommend visiting the UTSC Bookstore on the 3rd floor of the Bladen Wing:

The Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:45am - 6:00pm
Friday: 8:45am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

OR you can preview what textbooks you will by checking out the Course Books on the Scarborough Campus.

Another great place to find used books is on the Toronto University Student's Book Exchange. This website MIGHT have the books you need, but be sure to check the online first OR wait until you get your course outline during the first week of school.

Happy hunting,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time to update that resume

September is fast approaching and that means two things:
  1. Clean up my room and get into study mode again.
  2. Clean up my resume. 
After a summer of exploring new things and gaining new experiences, I definitely have quite a bit of updating to do for my resume. This not an easy thing to do.

I still remember when I first tried to create my resume, I was staring at a blank screen for hours. Thankfully, the Academic Advising & Career Centre has a lot of resources on how to do a resume. 

In addition, peer employment counsellors and career counsellors were also available for appointments to help me improve my resume. So if you're thinking about starting or updating your resume, make sure you make use of these resources.

Other handy tools I use:
UTM's Resume Tool Kit

I'm going to go work on my resume now.
Bye for now,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Need Math Help?

I'm a Biology student, so even though I'm not studying Mathematics, I may still need to take it. Problem is--I'm not the biggest fan of Math (no offense to those of you with a natural gift for it- I'm jealous!). This is where the Math & Stats Help Centre comes in!

The Math & Stats Help Centre is located at AC320B on the 3rd floor of the Academic Resource Centre. What's great is that you don't have to be a math student to use these services. The Math and Statistics Learning Centre (MSLC) provides free seminars, workshops, virtual tutoring, individual appointments, and small-group consultations.

For those of you enrolled in Mathematics, there is also the Math Aid Room. This is located in room S506F in the Science Wing. The Math Aid Room offers assistance mainly to students enrolled in Mathematics courses.

Well good luck with x + y = ? and all that other good stuff!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Need Help?: Writing, Researching & Presenting.

Are you concerned about writing & researching papers this Fall? Well then you should be sure to stop by the THE WRITING CENTRE (AC 210 in the Academic Resource Centre across from the Library).

The Writing Centre is a free service that provides support for teaching and learning through writing for all UTSC students, staff, and faculty.

Get connected to Teaching & Learning Services this summer by attending the Research, Writing & Presenting Summer Learning Institute.

Here are some of the programs they have to support students throughout the school year:

  • One-on-one Consultations - Book an appointment, bring in a writing assignment, and receive individual feedback from an experienced instructor; Appointments are 50 minutes & booked at least one day in advance.

  • Drop-in Hours - only 20 minutes long so & you need to come with a focused question.

  • Writing Seminars - group seminars on writing at university, including essay-writing, lab reports, thesis statements, introductions and conclusions, grammar, style, & more.

  • On-line Writing Handouts - Resources for web pages, handouts and advice on writing.

** You can Book An Appointment online on the Intranet TODAY or check out the upcoming Fall Seminar Schedule that will be posted in the near future.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Decisions, decisions, decision...

To wait or not to wait...

So I've just discovered that a course I wanted to take is full. Now the question is to do I go on the wait list or not? I guess since I'm 20-something on the wait list, it is worth it to wait and see. In the meantime, I'm going to use the web timetable to see which courses are not restricted and still available. It's probably a good idea to also check out St. George and UTM's calendars as I can take up to 5 credits (only 1 if you're in first year) at those two campuses and I have not taken any, I better go check out their courses too. I keep hearing about this cool course on sudoku. Then on August 15th, starting at 6 am, I can sign up those courses.

To work or not to work...

My boss at my summer job has also asked me if I wanted to stay on as a part-time employee throughout the school year. I really have to think about how many hours I can afford to work as I will be tackling 5 courses and continuing my role as the explorer with the Academic Advising & Career Centre. At the same time, I think it would look great on my resume if I stayed on and the extra cash definitely helps. I really need to sit down and draw out my schedule for the upcoming semester.

I guess I'm going to use my long weekend to do some thinking and make some decisions. And of course, go to a couple of BBQs and check out a few street festivals.

As always, if you have got questions, leave me a comment here or Facebook me.

Have a good long weekend everyone.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Money, money, money!

As of Monday, your tuition fees have been added to your ROSI account.

If you click on the "financial accounts" tab you will see your fees for the fall and winter semesters. I don't know about you, but when I opened my ROSI account, I freaked out a little! What do I do now? Luckily, I found a few great places with tips on what to do next.

The Registrar's office has an entire section on FEES and PAYMENTS. Sweet!

The Academic Advising and Career Centre (in AC-213, beside the Library) has some great books for you to use:

If you're like me, you might be taking OSAP to help you pay for school. If that's the case you need to make a FEE DEFERRAL by August 19th using something called 'eService' available online.

Well I'm heading out to the bank to pay my fees! Got more questions about finances? Check out the FINANCIAL AID website or ask me on facebook!

Ciao! :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

On Campus @ UTSC

By now you're probably registered in courses for the fall and winter semesters. 
If not, my blog from last week can give you all of that information.

Let me share a few of the things I love to do as a UTSC student!
There are some great resources & places to go on this campus, let me tell you about a few...

 -- It's the first day of the week.
To prepare myself for the week ahead I like to work out and get my energy up! 
(You've seen my muscles, haven't you?)

Try using the athletic facilities on campus:

Tuesday -- You survived Monday, now what?
"Toonie Tuesdays" can be found ON CAMPUS at our hot dog vendor - ONLY $2!!!
Need vegetarian or halal? -- Don't worry, both are available.

Wednesday -- It's STUDY time!
Head to the library where you can study solo in the carrels, or in a group by booking a private study room.

The library also has computers where you can download and print lecture notes. You will need your Tcard for this, so always carry it when you're on campus.

Another great place for all your printing needs is CopyKats, located on 2nd floor of the S-Wing (behind the Meeting Place).

Thursday -- It's Thursday. You might just need a pick me up!
Why not visit the Art Gallery on campus for a refreshing escape away from the chaos of studying and classes.

Friday -- TGIF. It's almost the weekend! 
Why not head down to the Bluff's Restaurant in the Student Centre for a delicious meal or dessert (cheesecake …mmm).


Or, you might want to grab some grub at the local pub, The Fossil and Haggis, which is walking distance from the campus at 790 Military Trail.

You survived a week of University, now it's time for the weekend! :)


p.s. For more photos, be sure to check out my On Campus @ UTSC Photo Set on Flickr.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Registration & Course Selection... Oh My!

It's course selection time!!!!

I know that many of you have been excited/concerned about selecting your Fall & Winter courses, so let’s get you on the right track before you start at UTSC. Below I have listed a few key items & websites that you should have available while selecting your courses:
Be sure to map out the courses you NEED for first year, i.e. the program you are intending to work on typically has required courses to complete this Fall & Winter session. These courses are available in the Get Started Handbook.... along with other great definitions & course selection tools! You should register for courses for both Fall AND Winter now.

You will also need to have a few electives for each session. Electives are outside of your program area and are often A-level courses that can be found in any other section of the calendar.

Be sure to note any pre-requisite, co-requisite and exclusions for each course. Read over the course descriptions in the calendar & check out the Scarborough Campus Student Union’s Anti-calendar.

Need more help?
Be sure to post a question at the bottom of this blog or on the Facebook wall, and I will be sure to help you out.

If you attended the Get Started program, you are eligible to sign up for one of the Course Selection Review Sessions held throughout the summer:

Thursday, July 17th, 08
Thursday, July 24th, 08
Thursday, August 7th, 08
Thursday, August 14th, 08
Wednesday, August 20th, 08
Thursday, August 28th, 08

Or attend one of the late Get Started sessions this summer:

Thursday, July 24th, 08 Thursday, August 7th, 08 Thursday, August 14th, 08 Wednesday, August 20th, 08

Individual advising appointments are NOT available for incoming students until you start classes in September. For further questions about any of the above be sure to contact the Academic Advising & Career Centre:

  • In Person - visit AC 213 in the Academic Resource Centre
  • By phone - 416.287.7561
  • By e-mail - Contact An Advisor

Nice To Meet You!

Thanks for visiting me at Get Started... or for those of you just meeting me online, it's great to meet you! Be sure to check out my pictures from the Get Started program as I post them in a Facebook album or on my Flickr photo page.

There was a lot of information & resources from the Get Started program, so be sure to check out the Get Started Website. Here are a few specific links you'll want to use:
I'll be sure to answer some of your academic questions & concerns over the summer via my blog & stay connected! Here are the topics that I plan to explore and share with all of you over the next few weeks:

-Registration & Course Selection
-UTSC Campus Information
-Things to Know About the University Experience
-Tools & Resources to Help Study Skills
-Academic Resources on Campus
-Student Life & Involvement at UTSC
-Students & How to Get Connected
-How to Look For Work or Volunteer Opportunities
-Academic Advising & Career Centre Services and Resources

Be sure to post any academic or career questions to these blog posts, or leave me a message on Facebook and I will be sure to answer back. I'm looking forward to exploring with you!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hello!! I'm ACE.


I'm ACE - Academic & Career Explorer. I'm here to help guide your journey at UTSC for academic and career exploration. I am just a curious UTSC student who explores academic and career questions. I am able to help you with career & academic planning since I work at the Academic Advising & Career Centre. If you are interested in the same thing, then join my adventure here on this blog or connect to my main website.

I will be posting about my exploration & adventures throughout the summer months before school starts. I'll be sure to give you some helpful tips & info about campus, and give you the inside on what to expect for life at UTSC.

Be sure to read my blog posts, listen to the weekly podcasts, look at my Flickr photos, and check out my recommended web links. You can also be my friend on Facebook - "Ace At Utsc."

I will be at the Get Started program from June 23rd to July 9th. Come visit me there! You can find me at the Lunch and Mix & Mingle in Bluff's Restaurant. I can't wait to meet you!

See ya,