#1 Test Preparation Strategies:
- Say goodbye to cramming. Set a study schedule for intense review 1-2 weeks before the test or exam.
- Commit to a (good) study group. If the group can't stay focused, they may not be the group for you.
- If you find yourself chatting, eating, laughing and joking around...this might not be a good study group.
- Protect your health. Do what you need to do to stay healthy:
Eat well: fruits, vegetables, plenty of water everyday
Exercise: go for a run in the gym, prepare a gym work out schedule - Sleep well: 6-8 hours of sleep is recommended;
- Take Naps (if needed):
-Don't burn out, if you didn't get enough sleep during the night then take a short nap!
-Try and avoid long naps (2o minutes is recommended), last thing you need is to wake up from a nap feeling drowsy. - Find out what is going to be on the midterm. Attend the lectures and tutorials, where midterm content is revealed. Ask your professor what to expect.
- Match your study strategies to the test format.
-If it's a multiple choice test, focus on details.
-If it's essay or short answer start making short outlines and structures as practice.
-Test yourself. Practice problems from assignments and old exams.
-Have a friend quiz you. Use flash cards.
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