Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Resources on the CLN: The Directory of Careers and Employment in Canada

Job searching is not easy, especially when you don’t know where to start. In addition to previously mentioned resources like the Vault and GoinGlobal, the CLN makes the Directory of Careers website available to students as well. Sign into the CLN, and it’s under the Resources section. Be sure to enter the username and password specified on the CLN in order to fully access the website!

Why is this site different than other job search databases? It compiles all the information you need about a company, job, or industry in one website. Education resources are also being added to the website shortly. It also features a number of articles related to job searching. For example, an article I found interesting was called “The Three I’s of Job Searching” (Ideas, Initiative, and Individuality). The articles are not very long and are great sources of information. The website also features QuickLearn Guides. The guides take you through the process of finding your perfect job, including how to create your own job opportunities through networking.

            Some things I’d like to highlight from the site are:
1.    Career & Employment Websites: Lists job search databases according to province, industry, and lists all major employment sites as well. This tab essentially lists every database you will ever need. It also includes additional information such as whether or not you need to register to use the database.
2.    Employers: this tab lists employers by industry. After choosing your preferred industry, the website lists some of the top employers, links to their website, and contact information.
3.    Professional Programs Index:  If you’re thinking about getting a higher degree, this part of the website lists different programs at multiple universities. It provides a brief introduction to the degree and lists class sizes, cost, and the ratio of applicants to accepted students. It also has links to the school’s website for further research.
4.    Recruiters Index: This is a very large list of different recruitment companies and includes information about the sectors they specialize in, different locations, and additional contact information.
5.    Internships and Scholarships: This tab describes the internship and scholarship opportunities available to students in Canada.
6.    Summer Jobs: This is a list of opportunities organized by province. When choosing a job, the site provides a description of the department and the job itself. It also tells you how to apply.
7.    Industry Directories: Here, there is a list of databases by industry. For example, the Canadian Chemical Directory has 570 chemical suppliers and 760 principal companies.

Good luck!


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