Friday, August 29, 2008

Got Books?

It's almost September, which means that it's time to gear up for school and BUY YOUR TEXTBOOKS.

The best place to look for the books & course materials you need for class will be listed at the UTSC Bookstore.  

I would recommend visiting the UTSC Bookstore on the 3rd floor of the Bladen Wing:

The Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:45am - 6:00pm
Friday: 8:45am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

OR you can preview what textbooks you will by checking out the Course Books on the Scarborough Campus.

Another great place to find used books is on the Toronto University Student's Book Exchange. This website MIGHT have the books you need, but be sure to check the online first OR wait until you get your course outline during the first week of school.

Happy hunting,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time to update that resume

September is fast approaching and that means two things:
  1. Clean up my room and get into study mode again.
  2. Clean up my resume. 
After a summer of exploring new things and gaining new experiences, I definitely have quite a bit of updating to do for my resume. This not an easy thing to do.

I still remember when I first tried to create my resume, I was staring at a blank screen for hours. Thankfully, the Academic Advising & Career Centre has a lot of resources on how to do a resume. 

In addition, peer employment counsellors and career counsellors were also available for appointments to help me improve my resume. So if you're thinking about starting or updating your resume, make sure you make use of these resources.

Other handy tools I use:
UTM's Resume Tool Kit

I'm going to go work on my resume now.
Bye for now,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Need Math Help?

I'm a Biology student, so even though I'm not studying Mathematics, I may still need to take it. Problem is--I'm not the biggest fan of Math (no offense to those of you with a natural gift for it- I'm jealous!). This is where the Math & Stats Help Centre comes in!

The Math & Stats Help Centre is located at AC320B on the 3rd floor of the Academic Resource Centre. What's great is that you don't have to be a math student to use these services. The Math and Statistics Learning Centre (MSLC) provides free seminars, workshops, virtual tutoring, individual appointments, and small-group consultations.

For those of you enrolled in Mathematics, there is also the Math Aid Room. This is located in room S506F in the Science Wing. The Math Aid Room offers assistance mainly to students enrolled in Mathematics courses.

Well good luck with x + y = ? and all that other good stuff!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Need Help?: Writing, Researching & Presenting.

Are you concerned about writing & researching papers this Fall? Well then you should be sure to stop by the THE WRITING CENTRE (AC 210 in the Academic Resource Centre across from the Library).

The Writing Centre is a free service that provides support for teaching and learning through writing for all UTSC students, staff, and faculty.

Get connected to Teaching & Learning Services this summer by attending the Research, Writing & Presenting Summer Learning Institute.

Here are some of the programs they have to support students throughout the school year:

  • One-on-one Consultations - Book an appointment, bring in a writing assignment, and receive individual feedback from an experienced instructor; Appointments are 50 minutes & booked at least one day in advance.

  • Drop-in Hours - only 20 minutes long so & you need to come with a focused question.

  • Writing Seminars - group seminars on writing at university, including essay-writing, lab reports, thesis statements, introductions and conclusions, grammar, style, & more.

  • On-line Writing Handouts - Resources for web pages, handouts and advice on writing.

** You can Book An Appointment online on the Intranet TODAY or check out the upcoming Fall Seminar Schedule that will be posted in the near future.