Thursday, July 31, 2008

Decisions, decisions, decision...

To wait or not to wait...

So I've just discovered that a course I wanted to take is full. Now the question is to do I go on the wait list or not? I guess since I'm 20-something on the wait list, it is worth it to wait and see. In the meantime, I'm going to use the web timetable to see which courses are not restricted and still available. It's probably a good idea to also check out St. George and UTM's calendars as I can take up to 5 credits (only 1 if you're in first year) at those two campuses and I have not taken any, I better go check out their courses too. I keep hearing about this cool course on sudoku. Then on August 15th, starting at 6 am, I can sign up those courses.

To work or not to work...

My boss at my summer job has also asked me if I wanted to stay on as a part-time employee throughout the school year. I really have to think about how many hours I can afford to work as I will be tackling 5 courses and continuing my role as the explorer with the Academic Advising & Career Centre. At the same time, I think it would look great on my resume if I stayed on and the extra cash definitely helps. I really need to sit down and draw out my schedule for the upcoming semester.

I guess I'm going to use my long weekend to do some thinking and make some decisions. And of course, go to a couple of BBQs and check out a few street festivals.

As always, if you have got questions, leave me a comment here or Facebook me.

Have a good long weekend everyone.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Money, money, money!

As of Monday, your tuition fees have been added to your ROSI account.

If you click on the "financial accounts" tab you will see your fees for the fall and winter semesters. I don't know about you, but when I opened my ROSI account, I freaked out a little! What do I do now? Luckily, I found a few great places with tips on what to do next.

The Registrar's office has an entire section on FEES and PAYMENTS. Sweet!

The Academic Advising and Career Centre (in AC-213, beside the Library) has some great books for you to use:

If you're like me, you might be taking OSAP to help you pay for school. If that's the case you need to make a FEE DEFERRAL by August 19th using something called 'eService' available online.

Well I'm heading out to the bank to pay my fees! Got more questions about finances? Check out the FINANCIAL AID website or ask me on facebook!

Ciao! :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

On Campus @ UTSC

By now you're probably registered in courses for the fall and winter semesters. 
If not, my blog from last week can give you all of that information.

Let me share a few of the things I love to do as a UTSC student!
There are some great resources & places to go on this campus, let me tell you about a few...

 -- It's the first day of the week.
To prepare myself for the week ahead I like to work out and get my energy up! 
(You've seen my muscles, haven't you?)

Try using the athletic facilities on campus:

Tuesday -- You survived Monday, now what?
"Toonie Tuesdays" can be found ON CAMPUS at our hot dog vendor - ONLY $2!!!
Need vegetarian or halal? -- Don't worry, both are available.

Wednesday -- It's STUDY time!
Head to the library where you can study solo in the carrels, or in a group by booking a private study room.

The library also has computers where you can download and print lecture notes. You will need your Tcard for this, so always carry it when you're on campus.

Another great place for all your printing needs is CopyKats, located on 2nd floor of the S-Wing (behind the Meeting Place).

Thursday -- It's Thursday. You might just need a pick me up!
Why not visit the Art Gallery on campus for a refreshing escape away from the chaos of studying and classes.

Friday -- TGIF. It's almost the weekend! 
Why not head down to the Bluff's Restaurant in the Student Centre for a delicious meal or dessert (cheesecake …mmm).


Or, you might want to grab some grub at the local pub, The Fossil and Haggis, which is walking distance from the campus at 790 Military Trail.

You survived a week of University, now it's time for the weekend! :)


p.s. For more photos, be sure to check out my On Campus @ UTSC Photo Set on Flickr.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Registration & Course Selection... Oh My!

It's course selection time!!!!

I know that many of you have been excited/concerned about selecting your Fall & Winter courses, so let’s get you on the right track before you start at UTSC. Below I have listed a few key items & websites that you should have available while selecting your courses:
Be sure to map out the courses you NEED for first year, i.e. the program you are intending to work on typically has required courses to complete this Fall & Winter session. These courses are available in the Get Started Handbook.... along with other great definitions & course selection tools! You should register for courses for both Fall AND Winter now.

You will also need to have a few electives for each session. Electives are outside of your program area and are often A-level courses that can be found in any other section of the calendar.

Be sure to note any pre-requisite, co-requisite and exclusions for each course. Read over the course descriptions in the calendar & check out the Scarborough Campus Student Union’s Anti-calendar.

Need more help?
Be sure to post a question at the bottom of this blog or on the Facebook wall, and I will be sure to help you out.

If you attended the Get Started program, you are eligible to sign up for one of the Course Selection Review Sessions held throughout the summer:

Thursday, July 17th, 08
Thursday, July 24th, 08
Thursday, August 7th, 08
Thursday, August 14th, 08
Wednesday, August 20th, 08
Thursday, August 28th, 08

Or attend one of the late Get Started sessions this summer:

Thursday, July 24th, 08 Thursday, August 7th, 08 Thursday, August 14th, 08 Wednesday, August 20th, 08

Individual advising appointments are NOT available for incoming students until you start classes in September. For further questions about any of the above be sure to contact the Academic Advising & Career Centre:

  • In Person - visit AC 213 in the Academic Resource Centre
  • By phone - 416.287.7561
  • By e-mail - Contact An Advisor

Nice To Meet You!

Thanks for visiting me at Get Started... or for those of you just meeting me online, it's great to meet you! Be sure to check out my pictures from the Get Started program as I post them in a Facebook album or on my Flickr photo page.

There was a lot of information & resources from the Get Started program, so be sure to check out the Get Started Website. Here are a few specific links you'll want to use:
I'll be sure to answer some of your academic questions & concerns over the summer via my blog & stay connected! Here are the topics that I plan to explore and share with all of you over the next few weeks:

-Registration & Course Selection
-UTSC Campus Information
-Things to Know About the University Experience
-Tools & Resources to Help Study Skills
-Academic Resources on Campus
-Student Life & Involvement at UTSC
-Students & How to Get Connected
-How to Look For Work or Volunteer Opportunities
-Academic Advising & Career Centre Services and Resources

Be sure to post any academic or career questions to these blog posts, or leave me a message on Facebook and I will be sure to answer back. I'm looking forward to exploring with you!