Friday, January 31, 2014

Broaden Your Horizons with Opportunities Abroad!

Looking for a change of pace and a new atmosphere? Why not take advantage of what the world has to offer and go abroad! "Going abroad" and getting international experience are definite advantages for students who are looking to elevate their individual profiles, whether to gain valuable work experience, volunteer or study.

International opportunities are a great way for undergraduate, graduate or recently graduated students to develop personal, educational and cultural understanding. Think about it; life experience is something that all employers, graduate or professional schools take into consideration when deciding whether or not to take on a candidate. How amazing would it be to stand apart from the pack by talking about your volunteer or work experience in a different country, maybe even a different continent?!

What’s more is that being exposed to different work or volunteer environments can help you hone your skills which would be helpful in the future to write on your resume. Adaptability and flexibility are skills that employers are always looking for. International opportunities will expose you to the new types of environments that would foster these kinds of skills. Time abroad may also help open your mind to the possibility of different careers or industries that perhaps are not as well known in Canada but that are booming in other countries.

For more information about going abroad, come to the International Opportunities Fair on Wednesday February 5th in the Meeting Place at the University of Toronto at Scarborough! 

All the best,

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