Choosing courses for the following year may be done for most
of you. The next decision you might be faced with is choosing a Subject
POSt(s). As I mentioned in my previous post, choosing a Subject POSt(s) is
usually done after your first year or completion of 4.0 credits.
Planning ahead is definitely an important trait that can
help you succeed in university. So why is it important for you to select a
Subject POSt(s) as soon as you can? Because ROSI will block you from selecting
courses if you have completed 4.0 credits and have not chosen a Subject POSt(s)
appropriate for your degree. Another reason is because it can further help you
complete your educational and career path in university. The registrar's office has more details of Subject POSt(s) that may be important in your research.
So, it is not uncommon to feel like you are making a major
decision that can eventually put you in a panic mode. To be honest, when I was
in my second year, I was one of those students who had a hard time choosing my Subject
POSt(s). I changed my major twice and there were a lot of factors that affected
my decisions. The first question you should ask yourself is definitely what are
you interested in. Because it is most likely you will do well in a course you
are interested in. You will be more likely to focus and do all the work because
you are interested in that course. Another important question is what strength you
have that helped you do well in courses. Strengths like good researcher,
writer, or very intricate with details are the ones that may help you in
assessing what courses you want and may eventually do well in.
After having a list of potential courses, you should do your
homework further and read the course descriptions. This can be found in the
calendar. Take it two more steps by reading the course outlines
frequently found on the departments’ websites. Reading through the anti calendar can also help you by reading through previous students’ evaluation
on the professors and the courses.
Lastly, it may help to look into the career path you want to
take. Career exploration may involve career assessment and websites like career cruising (remember that for career cruising, your login name is your UTORID and the password is the same password as your UTORID's). If you are still unsure, the academic advising and
career centre does have a list of tip sheets of career options by program.
Happy researching and good luck!
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