The Academic and Career Centre
You can find learning resources, latest job postings, private peer counselling..and many more other resources.
You can also make appointments to speak one-on-one with an academic or career counsellor at the centre.
So feel free to pop in sometime or visit the AACC website!
The Library
Besides endless shelves of books, the library homes many quiet study spaces...great for studying on your own and working on group projects!
If you have term papers, essays or any other assignments that involves you researching outside resources, then definitely take some time at the library. The library offers librarians who are there to help with just that!
The Bookstore
Located in the 3rd floor of Bladen Wing, the Bookstore holds all your academic needs!
The Health and Wellness Centre
Not feeling well?
Located upstairs of the Student Centre, SL-270
Located in Science wing, besides the Meeting Place. Look for the sign CopyKats
Women's Centre
The centre is there to improve the condition and status of women at U of T.
If you need someone to talk to, questions or other concerns feel free to visit the centre or visit the Women's Centre website
Math & Statistics Learning Centre
MSLC provides free seminars, workshops, virtual tutoring, individual appointments, and small-group consultations to improve students’ proficiency in various subjects of mathematics and statistics.
The Math Aid Room is located in S-506F of the Science Wing
The Office of Student Affairs & Services
The Office of Student Affairs provides leadership and general oversight for the entire division of student affairs, including all student services as well as providing unique campus services such as notary public services, budget leadership for the Council on Student Services, managing the undergraduate Academic Travel Fund and IT coordination for all departments.
The Office also functions as a clearing house for information and referral related to the student co-curricular and extra- curricular experience.
The Writing Centre
The Writing Centre service provides support for teaching and learning through writing for all University of Toronto Scarborough students
Also, the centre offers many seminars that helps you with academic writing and reading. Visit Writing Centre website for list of seminars and sign up on the intranet.
The Doris McMarthy Gallery
DMG houses many permanent collections as well as many exhibits. Visit the DMG website for more information!
Hope this little tour across campus is helpful. Stay tuned for more interesting locations on campus!
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